Hi there! I'm Tricia Leach (she/her), an independent front-end web developer and creative coder.

I'm currently booked through July 2024—though if you're with a studio, agency or start-up, feel free to contact me via email or Calendly to book an intro chat to see if we'd be a good fit for future collabs.

I recently wrapped up 4 years of building a variety of digital products at Work & Co for clients such as Google, Steve Jobs Archive, IKEA, and Planned Parenthood. My experience also includes creating delightful e-commerce experiences at Fuzzco, a graphic design education at Portland State, volunteering for tech organizations like Women Who Code and ChickTech, and mentoring through ADP List.

Some of my favorite technologies and practices: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Contentful, Next.js, Storybook, Shopify, Sass/CSS, Framer Motion, Figma, Accessibility, Component Driven Development


Steve Jobs Archive

Role: Senior Developer

In collaboration with Steve Jobs Archive, we built a repository for Jobs' ideas including animated quotes, video, and audio. I built the video player utilizing React and Cloudinary, conducted accessibility audits, and created core animated features using Framer Motion.

Design and development by Work & Co

Charley ChatBot

Role: Lead Developer

Led a team of developers and QA analysts at Work & Co in collaboration with health and abortion access experts to build a microsite and chatbot for abortion resources. I defined and implemented the approach for AWS Lambdas, pulling data from several APIs to securely return closest clinics and other relevant information for abortion seekers.

Read more at Washington Post
Design and development by Work & Co


Role: Freelance Developer

Front-end UI development for a women's health e-commerce site. My focus was translating the design system elements to code for reuse by a small team of freelance developers, as well as building the home page and editorial section.

Design by The Brigade

Digital Garden

Role: Presenter

For Storybook's first user conference in March 2023, I built an animated digital garden to showcase the power of component-driven development.

Talk recording at YouTube

IKEA Festival

Role: Senior Developer

Working with a team at Work & Co, we developed a video platform for IKEA's first global 24-hour festival on September 16, 2021. Hundreds of thousands of users from all over the world streamed live music, cooking, and inspiration together over the course of one incredible day.

Design and development by Work & Co


Role: Senior Developer

A web platform for streaming music, podcasts, sports and news. I worked with a team to develop the design system, with a strong focus on accessible web practices.

Design and development by Work & Co

42 Pressed

Role: Lead Developer

An e-commerce site that extends the typical functionality of Shopify to allow the client to add custom content through Accentuate Custom Fields, and build unique and flexible shop collections. I enjoyed working closely with the client to customize sections, and tweak design elements to ensure the final product matched her design.

Design by Jackie Robinson
Development by Fuzzco

Weezie Towels

Role: Lead Developer

This Shopify site was my first opportunity to be in a lead development role at Fuzzco. I developed reusable components, allowing the client to easily change design variations with toggles in Shopify admin. In parallel with this project, I contributed to a Shopify template that would allow our team to reduce development time for future e-commerce projects.

Design and development by Fuzzco

Creative Coding Sketchbook

Role: Developer

My creative playground and small archive of some of the creative technologies I've dabbled in. I've used these project examples to inspire young women in technology through presentations and mentorship.


A little about me

My work

I'm happiest working somewhere in the middle of design, art, craft, and technology. I love digging into the details of design and code to build engaging and delightful experiences for the web. Teamwork is in my DNA—the way we get there is as important as the end result. My secret weapons include an enthusiasm for community building, and a well-crafted Notion workspace.

Drop me a line

Get in touch at hi@tricialea.ch

Portrait of Tricia Leach

Some of my interests

  • Accessibility
  • Design Systems
  • Creative Coding
  • UI Animation
  • Web Typography